Milanese Lace with Louise Colgan
Running time: 3 hr 30 min
Price: US $52
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Louise Colgan is a lacemaker, designer, and teacher with experience in a broad range of Bobbin Lace techniques. She offers weekly classes on an ongoing basis in her hometown, and travels extensively to teach workshops on a variety of topics. She has taught at many IOLI Conventions as well as for OIDFA-sponsored events in the US. Louise has exhibited her work internationally, and her designs have been featured in Lace Express magazine. Additionally, she has published three books — Milanese Lace: Original Patterns in Color; Bobbin Lace Fans; and Wedding Lace Portfolio.

This video provides instruction in the techniques that make Milanese Lace so unique. Scrolling tapes highlighted by decorative stitches are characteristic elements that define the Milanese style. Lacemakers will have the chance to learn a combination of traditional and innovative skills applied in a motif format using colored threads. Key techniques covered are: how to work four different Decorative Braids, Tight-Point and Scroll Turns, Turning-Stitches, Adding Pairs, Back-Stitch, Sewings, Setting up at a Point, and Bundle & Tie Finishing. A Hummingbird design is used to teach these lessons. The pattern is suitable for those new to Milanese or for anyone wishing to gain more expertise with essential skills. A small Heart pattern is included with the printed materials for additional practice.